Lecture 15: Advanced String Search with Regular Expressions [SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS]
We have seen some basic methods for searching text using str.contain()
or str.find()
and passing strings to match. That works great when we know what we are searching for and the text we are searching has some order to it. In this notebook, we introduce regular expressions. Regular expressions (regex) use a special syntax that allows for powerful searching. For example, a regular expression could find the first four instances of numbers within a string (regardless of their values) or search for two capitalized letters followed by a comma.
Regular expressions are not unique to pandas or python. They were developed as part of the theoretical basis for computing languages and are quite interesting in their own right. They can also confusing.
Our goal is to learn a few regular expressions that might be helpful in the context of processing text data for analysis. Today, we'll work with string functions directly. There is also a specific regex package called re
. These skills will be useful for not just cleaning text data but also later when we do classification and prediction with text.
The topic of regular expressions is huge and we will only scratch the surface. If you are interested in learning more, the internet is full of great tutorials. regex101.com is a fantastic sandbox for practicing.
The outline of today's lecture is as follows:
1. Background (return)¶
So far we've learned how to define and manipulate string objects as well as seen some ways to determine whether two strings match each other; i.e.,
You can test whether two strings are equal using the equality (==) operator.
You can test whether one string is a substring of another with the in operator or the built-in string methods .find() and .index().
String matching like this is a common task in programming, and you can get a lot done with string operators and built-in methods. At times, though, you may need more sophisticated pattern-matching capabilities.
Brief History¶
In 1951, mathematician Stephen Cole Kleene described the concept of a 'regular language'; i.e., a language that is recognizable by a finite automaton and formally expressible using regular expressions. In the mid-1960s, computer science pioneer Ken Thompson, one of the original designers of Unix (note that Linux and Apple iOS are unix-based), implemented pattern matching in the QED text editor) using Kleene's notation.
Since then, regexes have appeared in many programming languages, editors, and other tools as a means of determining whether a string matches a specified pattern. Python, Java, and Perl all support regex functionality, as do most Unix/Linux tools and many text editors.
2. Milwaukee Call Center Data (return)¶
The City of Milwaukee open data portal includes data sets on many aspects of the city. Today, we will work with some of the call center data. These data are incidents handled by the city's call center and cover things like missed garbage pick up, litter complaints, and burned out street lights.
We will extract the calls regarding fire damage and compute some statistics about the cost of fires in the city. The estimates of fire damage are embedded in the text description and will need to be extracted.
I've posted the data that I downloaded from the portal so that we are all working from the same dataset but you could download the freshest data, too. Your results would then be a bit different than mine.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Pandas had some trouble with the last column, so I am specifying
# that is should be treated as text.
calls = pd.read_csv('./Data/callcenterdatacurrent.csv', dtype={4:'str'}, parse_dates=[0, 3])
26871 | 2020-08-24 00:00:00 | 10720 W WREN AV, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53225-2425 | Recycling Cart Collection Request: Cart Not at... | NaT | NaN |
92293 | 2020-04-07 16:06:46 | 403 N 29TH ST | Approx Area Collection Requests | 2020-04-08 11:35:33 | Record number 4420052 is a request for Sanitat... |
71125 | 2020-05-29 00:00:00 | 6329 W KINNICKINNIC RIVER PK, MILWAUKEE, WISCO... | Garbage Cart: Damaged | NaT | Garbage and recycling collection cans have lar... |
124949 | 2020-01-23 20:40:38 | 3154 N 78TH ST | Night Parking Permission Web | 2020-01-23 20:42:03 | Thank you for submitting your night parking re... |
131136 | 2020-01-10 21:53:25 | 2522 N WEIL ST | Night Parking Permission Web | 2020-01-10 21:58:17 | Thank you for submitting your night parking re... |
Those column names could use some work.
calls.columns = ['created', 'address', 'title', 'closed', 'desc']
What time span does the data cover? Since we made the 'created' and 'closed' columns datetime, we can use .min()
and .max()
to find out.
print('first call: {}'.format(calls['created'].min()))
print('last call: {}'.format(calls['created'].max()))
first call: 2020-01-01 01:22:53 last call: 2020-10-13 00:00:00
The fire damage calls have the title 'Fire Damage.'
fire = calls[calls['title']=='Fire Damage'].copy()
(116, 5)
created | address | title | closed | desc | |
71 | 2020-10-13 | 10536 W GLENBROOK CT, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53... | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg loss $14,540.00\ncont loss $29,990.00\nca... |
251 | 2020-10-13 | 4702 W TRIPOLI AV, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53220... | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg. loss $193,449.94\ncont loss $107,886.20\... |
539 | 2020-10-12 | 2423 N 20TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53206-1552 | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg. loss $3,720.87\ncont loss $1383.41\ncaus... |
631 | 2020-10-12 | 2921 W WALNUT ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53208-... | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg loss $79,453.71\ncont loss $9,846.89\ncau... |
758 | 2020-10-12 | 3539 N VEL R PHILLIPS AV, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN... | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg loss $2,586.00\ncont loss $4,808.00\ncaus... |
2684 | 2020-10-07 | 2455 N FRATNEY ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53212... | Fire Damage | 2020-10-07 | bldg. loss $6,503.00\ncause-under investigation |
2685 | 2020-10-07 | 2455 N FRATNEY ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53212... | Fire Damage | 2020-10-07 | fire debris on property, needs cleaning up |
2866 | 2020-10-07 | 3766 N 86TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53222-2830 | Fire Damage | 2020-10-08 | bldg loss $5,48.26\ncause-under investigation |
4437 | 2020-10-05 | 7233 N 38TH ST, 1, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53209... | Fire Damage | 2020-10-05 | bldg. loss $139,411.00\ncont loss $9,758.00\nc... |
4885 | 2020-10-02 | 2438 N 36TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53210-3039 | Fire Damage | 2020-10-08 | bldg loss $61,675.00\ncont loss $22,932.00\nca... |
4999 | 2020-10-02 | 3220 N 91ST ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53222-3620 | Fire Damage | 2020-10-02 | bldg. loss $12,753.00\ncont loss $948.00\ncaus... |
5186 | 2020-10-02 | 6344 N 101ST ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53225-0000 | Fire Damage | 2020-10-07 | Fire happened on July 10th |
5502 | 2020-10-01 | 2423 N 20TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53206-1552 | Fire Damage | 2020-10-05 | bldg. loss $3,720.00\ncont loss $1,383.00\ncau... |
8315 | 2020-09-25 | 2214 W NEIL PL, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53209-5055 | Fire Damage | 2020-09-28 | bldg loss $115,492.00\ncont loss $28,626.00\nc... |
8428 | 2020-09-25 | 2948 N 24TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53206-1111 | Fire Damage | 2020-10-02 | bldg. loss $46,659.00\ncont loss $21,973.00\nc... |
8455 | 2020-09-25 | 3063 S 7TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53215-3931 | Fire Damage | 2020-09-25 | bldg loss $5,000.00\ncont loss $5,000.00\ncaus... |
9280 | 2020-09-24 | 4035 N 45TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53216-1518 | Fire Damage | 2020-10-02 | bldg. loss $65,855.93\ncont loss $79,576.40\nc... |
9656 | 2020-09-23 | 1407 N MARTIN L KING JR DR, MILWAUKEE, WISCONS... | Fire Damage | 2020-09-23 | bldg. loss $5,000.00\ncont loss $2,500.00\ncau... |
9694 | 2020-09-23 | 1924 W GALENA ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53205-... | Fire Damage | 2020-09-30 | bldg loss $100,000.00\ncont loss $25,000.00\nc... |
10155 | 2020-09-23 | 5137 N 22ND ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53209-5604 | Fire Damage | 2020-09-23 | fire alarm report from 09/21/2020, finally got... |
We can now see that there are two damage estimates reports. The first is the damage to the building. The second is the damage to the contents of the building. Some things that might cause difficulties:
- 'bldg' but also 'bldg.'
- There are not always 'cont loss' entries.
- There may be spelling mistakes
- There maybe inconsistent use of dollar signs or commas
Ugh. There is a reason why people who can do this stuff are paid well.
3. Regular Expressions (return)¶
What follows is a simple overview of regex and some examples to help us understand how they work. You should read through the re
package documentation HOWTO (up to "The Backslash Plague") before proceeding.
We split the set of characters into two parts: metacharacters and everything else. Metacharacters have special meanings. The metacharacters are
. ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( )
We will only cover a few of the metacharacters in this notebook.
If we were working in python (and not pandas) we would use the re package. We will use pandas methods such as .findall()
and .extract()
with regular expressions—pandas already knows how to interpret regular expressions. Many of the string methods in pandas accept either a string or a regex.
Let's take a look at the first text element.
# Compare this to the jupyter nb output table above. The nb had problems with formatting.
fire.loc[71, 'desc']
'bldg loss $14,540.00\ncont loss $29,990.00\ncause-under investigation\nremarks-small interior fire'
Raw Strings¶
We use the raw string notation which means we do not need to worry about things like \ being interpreted as a special character. Raw strings take the form r'some text', so the only difference between writing a raw string and a regular string is the 'r' in front. Raw strings are actually very useful in programming so they're something to know by themselves.
We put our expression(s) in parentheses. For example, if I want to find the word 'loss' I write
The r
and apostrophes are for the raw string, the ()
encapsulate the regex, and the regex itself is loss
Matching characters¶
Extract occurrences of the word 'loss'.
We'll do this with .findall()
which will find all occurrences for the entire column. I am just going to print out a few.
71 [loss, loss] 251 [loss, loss] 539 [loss, loss] 631 [loss, loss] 758 [loss, loss] 2684 [loss] 2685 [] 2866 [loss] Name: desc, dtype: object
We are given a Series with the extracted text in a list. This is a Series where each element of a column is a list. Returning a list makes is easy to have rows with different numbers of occurrences.
What happens if the extract fails?
71 [] Name: desc, dtype: object
Character classes¶
We use []
to specify a set or class of characters to match. Suppose I wanted a a, b,
or c
# 'bldg loss $14,540.00\ncont loss $29,990.00\ncause-under investigation\nremarks-small interior fire'
71 [b, $, c, $, c, a, a, a, a] Name: desc, dtype: object
We can also specify ranges of letter or numbers.
71 [b, $, c, $, c, a, a, a, a] Name: desc, dtype: object
There are some special pre-defined sequences that are used often.
any alphanumeric character: equivalent to[a-zA-Z0-9_]
any numeric digit: equivalent to[0-9_]
the complements are
anything but alphanumeric character: equivalent to[^a-zA-Z0-9_]
anything but numeric digits: equivalent to[^0-9_]
The ^
character is the complement operator. The _
says to look for this character.
# 'bldg loss $14,540.00\ncont loss $29,990.00\ncause-under investigation\nremarks-small interior fire'
71 [b, l, d, g, l, o, s, s, 1, 4, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, ... Name: desc, dtype: object
71 [1, 4, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0, 0] Name: desc, dtype: object
Repeating characters¶
- The
means look for the preceding character(s) zero or more times - The
means look for the preceding character(s) one or more times
The *
means that those characters may show up many times or not at all. The +
means that the characters have to show up at least once.
# 'bldg loss $14,540.00\ncont loss $29,990.00\ncause-under investigation\nremarks-small interior fire'
71 [, , , , , , , , , , , 14, , 540, , 00, , , , ... Name: desc, dtype: object 71 [14, 540, 00, 29, 990, 00] Name: desc, dtype: object
Notice the difference between *
and +
expression returns many blank "hits." These are the characters leading up to the first1
. Each one of those characters is not a number, but that is still considered a "hit" because zero decimal characters is considered a match.The
expression returns only the clumps of numbers, since characters with zero numbers are excluded. Each clump stops when it hits a nonnumeral: the,
, the.
, and the\
71 [14,540.00, 29,990.00] 251 [193,449.94, 107,886.20] 539 [3,720.87] 631 [79,453.71, 9,846.89] 758 [2,586.00, 4,808.00] Name: desc, dtype: object
My regex is
This is looking for at least one number and then all other numbers up to the ,
then more numbers up to the .
and then the rest of the numbers. The +
ensures that I am only getting numbers but is general enough to capture both 14
and 193
Note that this approach could be troublesome if there are other numbers in the text, such as a phone number. We need to always check our results to see if we need to further clean the data. Each dataset is unhappy in its own way.
Did we get everything? Nope. Look at index 539. There is only one entry. The contents loss entry does not have a comma in it so it is not being found. Let's fix this.
Optional characters¶
We use the ?
character to say that the preceding character or class is optional. Let's make the comma optional.
71 [14,540.00, 29,990.00] 251 [193,449.94, 107,886.20] 539 [3,720.87, 1383.41] 631 [79,453.71, 9,846.89] 758 [2,586.00, 4,808.00] 2684 [6,503.00] 2685 [] 2866 [5,48.26] Name: desc, dtype: object
We now have caught the contents damage for index 539.
Practice </font >
A problem remains: In index 2684, for example, we have only one entry. There is no 'contents damage' reported. How would we know from looking at our results that the 6,503.00 is the building damage entry? Perhaps there was not a building damage entry but only a contents damage entry?
- Modify the
regex statement we have been using to return
'bldg loss $14,540.00'
This way, we know that we are finding the building damage report.
You probably need to deal with inconsistent punctuation and notation. Try manually checking the entries that do not return a value. I found 17 observations that do not have building damage reported.
bld = fire['desc'].str.findall(r'(bldg.? loss \$?\d+,?\d+.\d+)')
71 [bldg loss $14,540.00] 251 [bldg. loss $193,449.94] 539 [bldg. loss $3,720.87] 631 [bldg loss $79,453.71] 758 [bldg loss $2,586.00] 2684 [bldg. loss $6,503.00] 2685 [] 2866 [bldg loss $5,48.26] Name: desc, dtype: object
# This is how I checked the observations in which my regex found nothing.
2685 fire debris on property, needs cleaning up 5186 Fire happened on July 10th 16264 fire damage just today, fire department was ou... 16996 raw sewage coming into basement of building 28141 Fire damage to house, put in request for fire ... 29210 Attic Fire has taken place. There is damage t... 37621 Unreported fire damage from 7/8/2020? 51056 Yesterday (07/04/2020), my grandmother’s nei... 53530 Fire damage, 56554 Fire damage, condemnation candidate 56827 Garage was set on fire, am requesting fire ala... 60749 Under investigation.\nRemarks - Fire and smoke... 64496 The property grass and weeds have not been cut... 68662 Please inspect for fire damage 68730 Please inspect for fire damage 69091 Please inspect for fire damage 73763 To whom it may concern. I wish to stay anonymo... Name: desc, dtype: object
- Use a statement similar to that in part 1 to extract strings of the form
'cont loss $29,990.00'
You probably need to deal with inconsistent punctuation and notation. Try manually checking the entries that do not return a value. I found 27 observations that do not have contents damage reported.
# My debugging steps
# Start with the same regex I used in 1, but change bldg to cont
# cnt = fire['desc'].str.findall(r'(cont.? loss \$?\d+,?\d+.\d+)')
# loss is misspelled in 46401
# cnt = fire['desc'].str.findall(r'(cont.? l\w+ \$?\d+,?\d+.\d+)')
# No space before $ in 51321
cnt = fire['desc'].str.findall(r'(cont.? l\w+ ?\$?\d+,?\d+.\d+)')
71 [cont loss $29,990.00] 251 [cont loss $107,886.20] 539 [cont loss $1383.41] 631 [cont loss $9,846.89] 758 [cont loss $4,808.00] Name: desc, dtype: object
2684 bldg. loss $6,503.00\ncause-under investigation 2685 fire debris on property, needs cleaning up 2866 bldg loss $5,48.26\ncause-under investigation 5186 Fire happened on July 10th 11215 bldg. loss $75,000.00\ncause-intentional\nrema... 16264 fire damage just today, fire department was ou... 16996 raw sewage coming into basement of building 22711 bldg loss $53,569.00\ncause-under investigation 27090 bldg loss $5,120.65\ncause-under investigation... 28141 Fire damage to house, put in request for fire ... 29210 Attic Fire has taken place. There is damage t... 31017 bldg. loss $21,478.00\ncause-incense ignited s... 34274 bldg loss $83,927.00\ncause-under investigation 36772 bldg loss $10,727.14\ncause-radiant heat from ... 37621 Unreported fire damage from 7/8/2020? 51056 Yesterday (07/04/2020), my grandmother’s nei... 53530 Fire damage, 53571 bldg. loss $107,538.00\ncause-under investigat... 56554 Fire damage, condemnation candidate 56827 Garage was set on fire, am requesting fire ala... 58354 bldg loss $5,231.00 60749 Under investigation.\nRemarks - Fire and smoke... 64496 The property grass and weeds have not been cut... 68662 Please inspect for fire damage 68730 Please inspect for fire damage 69091 Please inspect for fire damage 73763 To whom it may concern. I wish to stay anonymo... Name: desc, dtype: object
Now repeat steps 1 and 2 but save the output into new columns of the
DataFrame. Name them bld_loss and cnt_loss.Rather than use
, use.extract()
will return the first occurrence of the regex. Since we only have at most one occurrence per observation, this is good. The benefit of.extract()
is that.extract()
returns a string rather than a list.
fire['bld_loss'] = fire['desc'].str.extract(r'(bldg.? loss \$?\d+,?\d+.\d+)')
fire['cnt_loss'] = fire['desc'].str.extract(r'(c\w+.? l\w+ ?\$?\d+,?\d+.\d+)')
created | address | title | closed | desc | bld_loss | cnt_loss | |
71 | 2020-10-13 | 10536 W GLENBROOK CT, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53... | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg loss $14,540.00\ncont loss $29,990.00\nca... | bldg loss $14,540.00 | cont loss $29,990.00 |
251 | 2020-10-13 | 4702 W TRIPOLI AV, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53220... | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg. loss $193,449.94\ncont loss $107,886.20\... | bldg. loss $193,449.94 | cont loss $107,886.20 |
539 | 2020-10-12 | 2423 N 20TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53206-1552 | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg. loss $3,720.87\ncont loss $1383.41\ncaus... | bldg. loss $3,720.87 | cont loss $1383.41 |
631 | 2020-10-12 | 2921 W WALNUT ST, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, 53208-... | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg loss $79,453.71\ncont loss $9,846.89\ncau... | bldg loss $79,453.71 | cont loss $9,846.89 |
758 | 2020-10-12 | 3539 N VEL R PHILLIPS AV, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN... | Fire Damage | NaT | bldg loss $2,586.00\ncont loss $4,808.00\ncaus... | bldg loss $2,586.00 | cont loss $4,808.00 |
- From 'bld_loss' and 'cnt_loss' extract only the numeric parts so that we have data we can work with. I used
again with the appropriate regex.
fire['bld_loss'] = fire['bld_loss'].str.extract(r'(\d+,?\d+.\d+)')
fire['cnt_loss'] = fire['cnt_loss'].str.extract(r'(\d+,?\d+.\d+)')
- Convert your extracted values to numeric types. You will need to deal with the commas.
# Option 1
# fire['bld_loss'] = pd.to_numeric(fire['bld_loss'])
# fire['cnt_loss'] = pd.to_numeric(fire['cnt_loss'])
# Option 2
fire['bld_loss'] = fire['bld_loss'].str.replace(',', '').astype(float)
fire['cnt_loss'] = fire['cnt_loss'].str.replace(',', '').astype(float)
created datetime64[ns] address object title object closed datetime64[ns] desc object bld_loss float64 cnt_loss float64 dtype: object
- Compute some summary statistics. What was the average damage to buildings and contents? What are the max and min?
fire[['bld_loss', 'cnt_loss']].describe().applymap("{0:,.0f}".format)
bld_loss | cnt_loss | |
count | 99 | 89 |
mean | 117,945 | 39,912 |
std | 297,512 | 67,763 |
min | 548 | 20 |
25% | 15,004 | 8,687 |
50% | 55,446 | 20,000 |
75% | 113,648 | 38,482 |
max | 2,633,953 | 531,035 |
If you finish early: Create a histogram to visualize the data.
# I am not including two very large fires in the histogram.
62206 1307226.0 58606 2633953.0 Name: bld_loss, dtype: float64
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,5))
ax.hist(fire.loc[fire['bld_loss']<=600000,'bld_loss'].div(1e+3).dropna(), # Note the conversion to thousands
color='silver', rwidth=0.8,
bins=15, align='mid')
ax.set_xlabel('Fire Damage to Building (in $000s)',size=24)
ax.set_ylabel('Number of Occurrences',size=24)
ax.set_title('Distribution of Fire Damage Reports in Milwaukee (2020)',size=28,pad=30)
ax.text(300, 30,
'Not reported in this figure:\n one report with \$1.3 mil. damage\n one report with \$2.6 mil. damage',
bbox=dict(boxstyle='square', fc='white',ec='blue'),va='top',size=20) # This line makes a box in the figure.
# 'fc' = fill color, 'ec' = edge/ line color