Lecture 10: Working with time-series data [SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS]
Time-series data are very common in finance and economics. Date and time systems have their own set of rules and logic, which makes them potentially complicated but also powerful. Both pandas and python have very powerful sets of tools to handle dates and time. We will work through the basics here. As always, the internet if full of more detailed applications and examples.
In this workbook we will cover
1. DateTime (top)¶
Python uses the datetime
type of object to hold date and time data. This allows for very sophisticated handling of time series data. Most of this is beyond the scope of our work, but if you ever find yourself having to deal with time zones or which week of the month a date lies in, datetime has you covered. [Python was developed to do a lot more than data analysis...]
We will mostly need to create datatime objects to hold dates. We pass datetime objects to methods that need to know about dates. We begin by importing the datetime
module and cleverly call it dt
import pandas as pd #load the pandas package and call it pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # load the pyplot set of tools from the package matplotlib. Name it plt for short.
import datetime as dt # data types and methods for dealing with dates and time. Name it dt for short.
Now for an example:
time_1 = dt.datetime(1776, 7, 4) # year, month, date (datetime will add a time code of 00:00:00)
print('Declare independence on:', time_1)
Declare independence on: 1776-07-04 00:00:00
What type of object is time_1
<class 'datetime.datetime'>
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new object: datetime
For those of you scoring at home, the datetime function we used above is actually datetime.datetime()
but we called the package dt
. Silly programmers. We can convert datetime objects to different string outputs using the strftime()
method which takes codes as arguments and you can format the string however you wish. For instance, I added a comma -- can you find it? A list of codes is in table 11-3 of McKinney.
print('Declare independence on:', time_1.strftime('%B %d, %Y')) # I have no idea why month is 'B'
Declare independence on: July 04, 1776
# We can convert strings to datetime using the same codes. It give us the ability to handle strange formats.
string_date = '1815/1/8' # What kind of mad man writes dates this way?
time_2 = dt.datetime.strptime(string_date, '%Y/%m/%d')
print('Battle in New Orleans on:', time_2.strftime('%B %d, %Y'))
Battle in New Orleans on: January 08, 1815
We might need some more datetime functionality, but that should be enough for now. Let's start working with some data!
The file 'VIXCLSD.csv' contains daily end-of-trading values of the 'VIX,' a measure of expected market volatility as implied by S&P 500 options. Business-news types like to refer to it as the 'fear index'. [That's a bit too dramatic for my tastes, but those guys have ads to sell.] The idea is that expected volatility rises when people are worried about the future.
vix = pd.read_csv('./Data/VIXCLSD.csv', na_values='.') # There are some missing values marked as '.'
0 | 1990-01-02 | 17.24 |
1 | 1990-01-03 | 18.19 |
2 | 1990-01-04 | 19.22 |
3 | 1990-01-05 | 20.11 |
4 | 1990-01-08 | 20.26 |
The data look about like I would expect. What kind of variables do we have?
DATE object VIXCLS float64 dtype: object
The 'DATE' variable is stored as string right now. This often happens because the computer sees things like hyphens and slashes among numbers and assumes the data are strings. Let's convert DATE column to a datetime object. Let's start by converting the dates and saving them to a new variable so that we can inspect it. Fortunately, pandas has a datetime
method so we'll use that.
date_objs = pd.to_datetime(vix['DATE'])
So the to_datetime()
conversion creates datetime64[ns] objects. Let's convert the 'DATE' column to datetime, save it in the DataFrame, and set the index to the dates:
vix['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(vix['DATE'], yearfirst=True) # Convert date strings to date time
print( vix.dtypes )
DATE datetime64[ns] VIXCLS float64 dtype: object
0 | 1990-01-02 | 17.24 |
1 | 1990-01-03 | 18.19 |
2 | 1990-01-04 | 19.22 |
3 | 1990-01-05 | 20.11 |
4 | 1990-01-08 | 20.26 |
DATE | |
1990-01-02 | 17.24 |
1990-01-03 | 18.19 |
1990-01-04 | 19.22 |
1990-01-05 | 20.11 |
1990-01-08 | 20.26 |
2. Changing frequency (top)¶
We can resample the data to change its frequency. We need to specify how to deal with the vix data. In this case, I want to average it. If we had gdp data, I would want to sum it.
We are downsampling data if we are reducing the number of observations (daily$\rightarrow$monthly) and we are upsampling the data if we are increasing the number of observations (monthly$\rightarrow$daily). In my work, I have downsampled a lot. I do not think I have ever upsampled.
vix_w = vix.resample('w').mean()
DATE | |
1990-01-07 | 18.690 |
1990-01-14 | 21.918 |
1990-01-21 | 24.304 |
1990-01-28 | 25.744 |
1990-02-04 | 25.648 |
We had 7,502 daily observations. Now we have 1501 weekly observations. Note the weeks are Sunday-based. Let's downsample some more.
vix_m = vix.resample('m').mean() # monthly
vix_y = vix.resample('y').mean() # yearly
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot(vix_m.index, vix_m['VIXCLS'], color = 'red', label = 'monthly average')
ax.plot(vix_y.index, vix_y['VIXCLS'], color = 'blue', label = 'yearly average')
ax.set_title('CBOE Volatility Index: VIX')
If we zoom in tight enough, the time axis will relabel in a natural way to reflect the changed time scale. When we refer to coordinates in a time series figure, we pass the x-coordinates as a datetime object. Below, we use datetimes to limit the x-axis and to make some annotations.
# Any place we need to reference the x axis we use a datetime object.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot(vix.index, vix['VIXCLS'], color = 'red', label = 'daily close')
ax.set_xlim( dt.datetime(2008,1,1), dt.datetime(2010, 12, 31) ) # The limits need datetime objects
ax.annotate('Lehman Collapse', xy=(dt.datetime(2008,9,15), 70), xytext=(dt.datetime(2008,2,1), 70),
arrowprops={'facecolor':'black', 'arrowstyle':'->'})
ax.annotate('Greek Debt Crisis', xy=(dt.datetime(2010,5,1), 40), xytext=(dt.datetime(2009,8,1), 40),
arrowprops={'facecolor':'black', 'arrowstyle':'->'})
ax.set_title('CBOE Volatility Index: VIX')
Practice: Dates ¶
Take a few minutes and try the following. Feel free to chat with those around if you get stuck.
- Read the file 'osk.csv' into a DataFrame. The file contains daily closing prices for OshKosh Corp. and the S&P500.
- Set the index to the date. Make sure the dates are datetime objects!
prices = pd.read_csv('./Data/osk.csv')
prices.set_index('Date', inplace=True)
osk | sp500 | |
Date | ||
2018-01-02 | 92.169998 | 2695.810059 |
2018-01-03 | 92.029999 | 2713.060059 |
2018-01-04 | 91.279999 | 2723.989990 |
2018-01-05 | 89.970001 | 2743.149902 |
2018-01-08 | 90.660004 | 2747.709961 |
- Normalize each series by dividing every observation by the value at 01-02-2018. Try where I called my dataframe
prices['osk_n'] = prices['osk'] / prices.loc['2018-01-02','osk']
. Do something similar to the S&P500.
prices['osk_n'] = prices['osk'] / prices.loc['2018-01-02','osk']
prices['sp500_n'] = prices['sp500'] / prices.loc['2018-01-02','sp500']
osk | sp500 | osk_n | sp500_n | |
Date | ||||
2018-01-02 | 92.169998 | 2695.810059 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
2018-01-03 | 92.029999 | 2713.060059 | 0.998481 | 1.006399 |
2018-01-04 | 91.279999 | 2723.989990 | 0.990344 | 1.010453 |
2018-01-05 | 89.970001 | 2743.149902 | 0.976131 | 1.017561 |
2018-01-08 | 90.660004 | 2747.709961 | 0.983617 | 1.019252 |
- Plot the two normalized series
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot(prices.index, prices['osk_n'], color = 'red', label = 'Osh Kosh (daily)', alpha = 1)
ax.plot(prices.index, prices['sp500_n'], color = 'blue', label = 'S&P 500 (daily)', alpha = 1)
#ax.set_xlim( datetime(2008,1,1), datetime(2010, 12, 31) ) # The limits need datetime objects
ax.set_ylabel('closing price (Jan 1, 2018 = 1.0)')
ax.set_title('Normalized closing prices')
- Resample the data to a weekly frequency creating average weekly prices. (I would recommend creating a new DataFrame)
- Create new indexes, normalizing by the first week of the year.
- Add the weekly data to your figure from part 4. Use the alpha parameter to lighten up the daily data lines.
- How does your plot look? Are the titles correct? Is there a legend or some other way of identifying the lines?
prices_w = prices[['osk', 'sp500']].resample('w').mean()
prices_w['osk_n'] = prices_w['osk'] / prices_w.loc['2018-01-07','osk']
prices_w['sp500_n'] = prices_w['sp500'] / prices_w.loc['2018-01-07','sp500']
osk | sp500 | osk_n | sp500_n | |
Date | ||||
2018-01-07 | 91.362499 | 2719.002502 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
2018-01-14 | 91.040003 | 2760.206006 | 0.996470 | 1.015154 |
2018-01-21 | 91.939999 | 2796.827515 | 1.006321 | 1.028623 |
2018-01-28 | 94.536000 | 2844.352002 | 1.034735 | 1.046101 |
2018-02-04 | 91.056000 | 2816.775977 | 0.996645 | 1.035959 |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot(prices.index, prices['osk_n'], color = 'red', label = 'Osh Kosh (daily)', alpha = 0.25)
ax.plot(prices.index, prices['sp500_n'], color = 'blue', label = 'S&P 500 (daily)', alpha = 0.25)
ax.plot(prices_w.index, prices_w['osk_n'], color = 'red', label = 'Osh Kosh (weekly)')
ax.plot(prices_w.index, prices_w['sp500_n'], color = 'blue', label = 'S&P 500 (weekly)')
#ax.set_xlim( datetime(2008,1,1), datetime(2010, 12, 31) ) # The limits need datetime objects
ax.set_ylabel('closing price (Jan 1, 2018 = 1.0)')
ax.set_title('Normalized closing prices')
Our old way of referencing a value:
print('The vix on June 18, 2008 is', vix.loc['2008-06-18', 'VIXCLS'])
The vix on June 18, 2008 is 22.24
Our date-specific way:
# Option 1: create a datetime and pass it
date_to_extract = dt.datetime(2008, 6, 18) # create a datetime with the day I want
print('The vix on', date_to_extract.strftime('%B %d, %Y'), 'is', vix.loc[date_to_extract, 'VIXCLS'] ) # extract with with loc[], like usual
The vix on June 18, 2008 is 22.24
An alternative way to 'zoom in' on the data is to plot a slice of the DataFrame. With an index of datetime, this is super easy.
Let's use the VIX data as an example to develop intuition for what's going on when we slice dates:
- We can grab every observation with a year of 2008 with '2008'.
print('Every week in 2008:', vix_w.loc['2008']) # all the weeks in 2008
Every week in 2008: VIXCLS DATE 2008-01-06 23.0250 2008-01-13 24.0940 2008-01-20 25.2520 2008-01-27 29.2225 2008-02-03 26.5880 2008-02-10 27.7740 2008-02-17 25.8740 2008-02-24 24.7925 2008-03-02 23.5380 2008-03-09 26.2880 2008-03-16 28.2820 2008-03-23 28.6225 2008-03-30 25.8240 2008-04-06 23.4760 2008-04-13 22.6060 2008-04-20 21.5260 2008-04-27 20.2560 2008-05-04 19.5460 2008-05-11 19.1300 2008-05-18 17.2400 2008-05-25 18.1560 2008-06-01 18.6700 2008-06-08 20.6120 2008-06-15 22.9940 2008-06-22 21.7540 2008-06-29 22.7140 2008-07-06 24.5750 2008-07-13 25.4480 2008-07-20 26.2360 2008-07-27 22.3780 2008-08-03 22.5960 2008-08-10 21.3340 2008-08-17 20.5520 2008-08-24 20.2620 2008-08-31 20.2600 2008-09-07 22.6275 2008-09-14 24.5360 2008-09-21 32.6780 2008-09-28 34.4640 2008-10-05 43.2640 2008-10-12 59.4260 2008-10-19 63.4620 2008-10-26 64.5320 2008-11-02 67.9540 2008-11-09 55.1500 2008-11-16 62.8040 2008-11-23 72.9160 2008-11-30 58.9500 2008-12-07 63.1560 2008-12-14 56.6380 2008-12-21 50.2480 2008-12-28 44.2925
- We can grab every observation between Jan 1, 2008 and Jan 31, 2008 by slicing with '2008/01/01':'2008/01/31'. Python is smart enough to understand references to dates that are not in the DataFrame. There is no January 1 or January 31 observation.
print('\nEvery week in Jan 2008:', vix_w.loc['2008/01/01':'2008/01/31']) # all the weeks in January 2008
Every week in Jan 2008: VIXCLS DATE 2008-01-06 23.0250 2008-01-13 24.0940 2008-01-20 25.2520 2008-01-27 29.2225
5. Moving-window calculations (top)¶
The rolling()
method of DataFrame allows methods like mean() and var() to be calculated over a rolling window of the data. We often use moving averages to extract trends from noisy data.
generates a Series of rolling observations. In this case, I am asking for a 60-day window. We can directly call a method like mean()
or var()
to compute rolling calculations.
A couple important things to note:
- Rolling windows only make sense with time-series data so the index must be datetime.
- We strip out any missing values in the raw data using
before building the rolling windows. Otherwise,rolling()
will only work on the complete 60-day windows.
vix['vix_ma'] = vix['VIXCLS'].dropna().rolling(60).mean() # create 60-day moving average
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot(vix.index, vix['VIXCLS'], color = 'red', label = 'daily close', alpha=0.25)
ax.plot(vix.index, vix['vix_ma'], color = 'blue', label = '60-day moving average')
ax.set_title('CBOE Volatility Index: VIX')
Practice: Constructing and Plotting Moving Averages ¶
Take a few minutes and try the following. Feel free to chat with those around if you get stuck.
- Compute and plot the 30-day rolling standard deviation of the Osh Kosh and S&P 500 normalized daily prices.
prices['std_osk'] = prices['osk_n'].rolling(30).std()
prices['std_sp500'] = prices['sp500_n'].rolling(30).std()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
ax.plot(prices.index, prices['std_osk'], color = 'red', label = 'OSK: 30-day std')
ax.plot(prices.index, prices['std_sp500'], color = 'blue', label = 'S&P500: 30-day std')
ax.set_title('Rolling standard deviations')
- Plot only the standard deviation for the first half of the year. Use a slice on the index to do it.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
# With a slice
ax.plot(prices['std_sp500'].loc['01-01-2018':'06-30-2018'], color = 'blue', label = 'S&P500: 30-day std')
# With truncate()
ax.plot(prices['std_osk'].truncate(after='06-30-2018'), color = 'red', label = 'OSK: 30-day std')
ax.set_title('Rolling standard deviations')